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검색어 :
Astec Semiconductor => Silicon Link
Astec Semiconductor => Silicon Link
상세내역 : Semicustom Bipolar Array
부품명(s) : 2N3501 2N3501-BP
Micro Commercial Components
Micro Commercial Components
상세내역 : NPN Bipolar Transistor
부품명(s) : FMBT2222A
First Components International
First Components International
상세내역 : NPN Bipolar Transistor
부품명(s) : 2N4272
Semelab - > TT Electronics plc
Semelab - > TT Electronics plc
상세내역 : Bipolar NPN SILICON Transistor
부품명(s) : 2SC4992 C4992
Hitachi -> Renesas Electronics
Hitachi -> Renesas Electronics
상세내역 : Silicon NPN Bipolar Transistor
부품명(s) : SUT041
Kodenshi Auk Co., LTD
Kodenshi Auk Co., LTD
상세내역 : Dual NPN Bipolar Transistor
부품명(s) : SUT041N
Kodenshi Auk Co., LTD
Kodenshi Auk Co., LTD
상세내역 : Dual NPN Bipolar Transistor
부품명(s) : AT41470
Advanced Semiconductor
Advanced Semiconductor
상세내역 : NPN SILICON Bipolar Transistor
부품명(s) : HSC5094
Hi-Sincerity Microelectronics
Hi-Sincerity Microelectronics
상세내역 : NPN SILICON Bipolar Transistor
부품명(s) : SUT061G
Kodenshi Auk Co., LTD
Kodenshi Auk Co., LTD
상세내역 : Dual NPN Bipolar Transistor
부품명(s) : PZT3904
SHIKE Electronics
SHIKE Electronics
상세내역 : Silicon NPN Bipolar Transistor
부품명(s) : BFR193 BFR193E6327
Infineon Technologies
Infineon Technologies
상세내역 : NPN Bipolar RF Transistor
부품명(s) : BFR193L3
Infineon Technologies
Infineon Technologies
상세내역 : NPN Bipolar RF Transistor (Rev - 2012)
Kodenshi Auk Co., LTD
Kodenshi Auk Co., LTD
상세내역 : Dual NPN Bipolar Transistor
부품명(s) : SUT121G
Kodenshi Auk Co., LTD
Kodenshi Auk Co., LTD
상세내역 : Dual NPN Bipolar Transistor
부품명(s) : SUT041C
Kodenshi Auk Co., LTD
Kodenshi Auk Co., LTD
상세내역 : Dual NPN Bipolar Transistor
부품명(s) : SUT041G
Kodenshi Auk Co., LTD
Kodenshi Auk Co., LTD
상세내역 : Dual NPN Bipolar Transistor
TSC Corporation
TSC Corporation
상세내역 : TO-92 NPN Bipolar Transistor
부품명(s) : 2N1711
TT Electronics.
TT Electronics.
상세내역 : SILICON PLANAR NPN Bipolar Transistor
부품명(s) : 2N5635
New Jersey Semiconductor
New Jersey Semiconductor
상세내역 : Bipolar NPN UHF/MICROWAVE Transistor
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